
Robo Pals! Bucket and GPS weebeast #250 (Free pandas!)

Nichole Lillian Ryan

Hiya pals! Hope you’re ready for some robot fun! The shop update this time is a bit robotic, but hey that’s bound to happen when GPS builds a new weebeast friend! 

Bucket and GPS weebeastsShop update:

📅 MONYAY 4/27/2020 at 12 pm Eastern standard time / Detroit


WEEBEASTS for adoption will be:

Bucket- Ro•Bull weebeast #249 with sunstone and pyrite life source earth treasures - $85

GPS -  Weebeast #250 with chalcedony and quartz life source earth treasures - $85

no bbs of GPS

  • 5 BB Ro-Bull BB weebeasts with pyrite life source - $32 each
  • Two FREE panda Bb weebeasts with labradorite life source - $0 ( listed at .50 will refund free shipping to the US - international will have to pay for shipping)
  • ONE FREE panda bb per person over this period of time. If you order more than panda bb your order will be canceled and it will be put back in stock. Thanks for understanding! Let’s share some joy!

Free panda bb weebeasts moss and moon


3/30/2020 yessum- one of each size custom will be available! xoxo


Customs info and FAQ:

🧙‍♂️ New to adopting or just have questions about customs... etc?

Wif the Wizard weebeast is happy to assist you here:



peace love and stale popcorn!


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