✦ BLOG ✦ — Weebeast 250

Robo Pals! Bucket and GPS weebeast #250 (Free pandas!)

Nichole Lillian Ryan

Tags free fun, Robots, Shop update, Weebeast 250

Robo Pals! Bucket and GPS weebeast #250 (Free pandas!)

Hiya pals! Hope you’re ready for some robot fun! The shop update this time is a bit robotic, but hey that’s bound to happen when GPS builds a new weebeast friend!  Shop update: 📅 MONYAY 4/27/2020 at 12 pm Eastern standard time / Detroit   WEEBEASTS for adoption will be: ✦ Bucket- Ro•Bull weebeast #249 with sunstone and pyrite life source earth treasures - $85 ✦ GPS -  Weebeast #250 with chalcedony and quartz life source earth treasures - $85 no bbs of GPS 5 BB Ro-Bull BB weebeasts with pyrite life source - $32 each Two FREE panda Bb...