
🌊 Weebeach!

Nichole Lillian Ryan

It’s time to visit weebeach! Where the ocean waves like a friend and the sand sparkles like sugar cookies…. Mmm. Oh sorry 😅 got lost in thought! 

During the night I met a beautiful mermoon weebeast named Umbra, she loves the starry skies and was swimming by when our visit was cut short by our pal Humdrum, the robo-whale weebeast, when he barreled in because he thought for sure we had all the popcorn nearby! 

Shop update: MONYAY 7/12/ 21 at 12 pm EST / Detroit 

 WEEBEASTS for adoption will be:

✦ Umbra - Mermoon Weebeast #309 with moonstone & pearl life source earth treasure: $85 + shipping 

Umbra Mermoon weebeast

✦ Humdrum - Robo-Whale Weebeast #310 with Pyrite and hematite life source earth treasure: $85 + shipping 

 Humdrum Robo whale weebeast

✦ 4 BB Mermoon Weebeasts with moonstone life source earth treasure: 32 each + shipping 


✦ 4 BB Robo-Whale Weebeasts with tigers eye life source earth treasure: 32 each + shipping 


🇬🇧  UK buyers: see FAQ for info how orders will be processed to continue to ship to you. If you have any questions please let me ask. 🥰



One bb custom this update


Customs info and FAQ:

🧙‍♂️ New to adopting? Or have questions about customs... etc?

Wif the Wizard weebeast is happy to assist you here as best he can: 🤪


Thank you, yes YOU! You wonderful being! We are so happy you are a part of the weebeasts world! It’s truly a family and a communi-wee!

There is so much love shared in so many ways and I’m so thankful wee are all here together, whether you’re old or new wee hope we continue to bring smiles to all of you!



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