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Wee blast off!

Nichole Lillian Ryan

Comments 7 Tags planets, quartz, smoky quartz, space, starshine, venus

Wee blast off!

Hiya wee friends! Wee have blasted off to space again! Introducing to you the amazing Venus and her watchful eye, bringing balance to chaos and love on this side of the universe. Oryan is also here to say hi once he takes a break from the popcorn galaxy and captain duties. Hope you enjoy them both, see you in space because that’s the place to be! Shop update: 6/7/22 @ 7 pm EST WEEBEASTS for adoption will be: Venus- #353 Venus Weebeast w/ quartz staff and black moonstone life source Oryan Starshine- #354 Capt. Adventure Weebeast w/ smoky quartz Saturn...

Pure Love & Street Hearts!

Nichole Lillian Ryan

Tags cat, goldstone, pure love, Shop update, smoky quartz

Pure Love & Street Hearts!

Hiya Wee friends! Wee hope you’re ready to meet some joyful weebeasts! If there ever was a weebeast that was too adroable Headbop would surely be it! She loves to be cute and purr headbops your way! Then there’s Oneway....I think he looks tough but that’s probably just the street dust, I know he’s the sweetest pal ever...as sweet as a peach! (Oneway will NOT be up for adoption,he’s staying in our giggle, but 5 bbs will be!) Shop update: 📅 Monyay 3/1/21 at 12 pm EST / Detroit   WEEBEASTS for adoption will be: ✦ Headbop the Pure Love...