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🍿ABC….W is for weebeast!

Nichole Lillian Ryan

Tags goldstone, popcorn, quartz, rose quartz, Shop update, starshine, tutu, w is for weebeast

🍿ABC….W is for weebeast!

Hiya wee friends:) ABC… W is for weebeast! The lovely Sheri Starshine represents the letter S and Wee, the weebeast in popcorn tutu represents, yep you guessed it weebeast! Yay! ✌️💖🍿   Shop update: 3/28 @ 7 pm  EST   WEEBEASTS for adoption will be: Sheri Statshine #389 Special Weebeast with rose quartz life source Wee #390 Weebeast with goldstone and quartz love source 3-  Special BB weebeasts w/ rose quartz life source 3- Weebeast BB weebeasts w/ red jade life source 🏷Pricing: ✦ Big Weebeasts are $85 & BBs are $32 + shipping ✦ Custom Big weebeast start at...